Sunday, August 28, 2022

THE KEY TO SUCCESS by Dr Myles Munroe

THE KEY TO SUCCESS - Dr. Myles Munroe

The key of life is being committed for life.
God cannot trust a person who He cannot find, every time God is looking for somebody, they are gone.
Koori Teem Boom said to me some years ago, Son, Grow where you are planted.

And she was saying don't just keeping moving around uprooting yourself, uprooting yourself, you never can grow fruit if you keep uprooting a plant, you gonna stay in one place long enough for God to work on yourself and give you some good fertilizer for you to become a fruitful life.

God cannot trust a man who He cannot depend on.

A lot of fulks dreaming big but they working wrong, they allow their passion to overtake their patience in the Lord.
I am not looking for anything but to serve they LORD and obey Him everyday, I am not looking for no fame,I have never push open a door that God has not open to me yet.

My wife sometimes get on a telephone and she is like you know who is is on the telephone.. I am like,WHAT,,, And i will talk to them and they will tell me some crazy things they want to do , among all the people they can call, they call into a little ice land.

When you are faithful over little things God, God is going to make you ruler over big things.



Thursday, August 25, 2022


When you engage in lustful thoughts and worry, you waste imagination. 

 When you think on  whatsoever things are true, honest, things that are just, things that are pure, things that are lovely, things that are of good report; you are investing in productive imagination. Phil 4:8

Rather than waste imagination, let your imagination work for you. It is the operating system for the Spirit of understanding.

Faith for doing the impossible is generated at this realm.

Even God respects your imagination. Genesis 11:6. 

May all your positive pictures result in positive results. Good morning as you stay wordspired.

Monday, August 8, 2022



Not All Pastors Are Fake!
Not All Pastors Depend On Tithes & Offerings To Survive!
Not All Pastors Place Price Tags On Counselling!
Not All Men Of GOD Are Into Ministry For Money!
Not All Men Of God Take Advantage Of Gullible People!
Not All Men Of God Stage Miracles!
Not All Men Of GOD Sexually Molest Women!
Not All Men Of GOD Are Proud!
Not All Prophets Seek Powers From The Devil!
Not All Shepherds Lack The Fear Of GOD!
Not All Apostles Are Repackaged Herbalists!
Not All Pastors Are Denominational Marketers!
Not All Pastors Seek Fame By All Means!

GOD called those HE called. Those He called are aware He called them. Those HE did not call are equally aware GOD did not call them!!!

Stop criticising All Pastors & Prophets by calling them all manners of derogatory names! The genuine make mistakes and even fall sometimes, but they have conscience, so they soon get back on their feet right on track with GOD.

There are FAKE Pastors no doubt, just as there are FAKE Engineers, Quack Doctors, Quack Nurses, Quack Lecturers, Teachers, Mechanics, Bankers Lawyers and so on...

And There Are FAKE Church Members Too o!

Whatever is AUTHENTIC will always have it's COUNTERFEIT! YES.. Even Spiritual Assignments Are Not Exempted!

If you have been a victim of one of those misrepresenting Spiritual Offices, all I can say to you is SORRY. GOD will fight for you! But please don't spread your anger, animosity or personal perception about Pastors around.

Don't let the INNOCENT ONES pay for the sins of your OFFENDERS!

Pick your BIBLE, read, study and depend on the HOLY SPIRIT for direction.

Rather than recruiting people to your school of acrimony due to your experience, just ask GOD for answers to your PRAYERS if you feel you can't TRUST any Man of GOD anymore.

In your field of endeavour, there are FAKE practitioners too. How would you feel if you are numbered among the PLASTIC ones??


If you don't want to go to Church, don't!
If you don't want to tithe, don't!
If you don't want to seek counsel, don't!
If you don't believe in MIRACLES, fine. One thing is certain, if you don't work with or for God you will surely work with or for Satan.. Heaven is REAL and Hell is REAL. NO ONE CAN MISS THE TWO.

Copied from Facebook

Monday, August 1, 2022



Who's frank Edward? 

Frank Edwards was the little boy who hawked  okpa(Igbo dish) in the streets of Enugu before he joined Christ embassy and learnt the rudiments of music... read more

Who's Uma Ukpai?

Uma Ukpai was the little boy who lost his father at the age of ten, and as a man of God lost his two children in a day but kept on moving.. 

Johnson Suleiman was the man of God that his ministry failed in Agbor delta state in the early stage before he moved to Auchi.. 

Chioma Jesus was the woman no one believed in until God announced her in 2003 ...

Sinach was the woman who got married with no child for five years but she kept on serving God.. 

Pastor David Ibiyeomi was the man only few believed in when he was starting salvation ministries....

I don't know why you want to give up on the mighty visions and dreams God gave you.. 

Because no one believes in you.. 

It looks impossible, because of critics.. 

The money is not there.. Calm down..

If you had known how many that saw Apostle Suleiman as a failure when he closed his ministry in Agbor, would you believe he'll still push?

If you had known how many that gave up on frank Edward when he was hawking okpa in Enugu,, would you have believed he ll still succeed? 

Can I talk to you? 

The beginning has few friends.. 
Success has many friends.. 

Before you give up in that relationship/marriage of yours, can you pause and pray again.. 

It is too late to give up on that good vision and dream.. 

In the eyes of men, you need to look like it to be come..
But in God's eyes, you don't need to look like it to become..

I charge you to stop complaining and start believing,, 

Come out of that depression...

Why thinking of suicide..? 
God is not done with you!! 
Tell yourself, God is not done with me...

So far He's not done working, you're not done waiting.. 

Sir/Ma....people like you are important to God” You carry the destiny of generations, they are waiting for your emergence"

There is something you are carrying that cannot be lost now… Your type cannot be subtracted in a time like this…”

There is something pains add to your journey on this earth…
If God has singled you out for greatness, He will set you up with afflictions…

People will reject you for no reason…
Some will promise you and forget…
Others will just hate you…

You're the best of your kind.. Rise up, stop comparing yourself with people, pursue the man and woman you're made to become! 

Uma ukpai after loosing his father had to start saving money to pay his School fees...

God can still help you... Uncles has failed I know but God will not fail..

You can,, 
And Caleb said let us go up to this mountain and possess it for we are well able.. (Numbers 13:30)

Never expect everyone believe in what you carry.. 

People will misunderstand you because of what God told you.. 

They will persecute you, but be certain about what God told you.. 

When your vision begins to operate beyond the level of your confinement, expect to be misunderstood and talked about.. 

Joseph is a case study.. 

Friends I don't know who am talking to, but I believe I'm talking to you reading this,, 

You started not because people wanted you to start but because God was in your beginining..

Too late to give up!

He that keeps Israel neither sleeps nor slumber.. 

Romans 8:18 The suffering of this present time cannot be compared to the glory ahead.

Shall we Pray! 

©® Evang. Samuel Adibe

Culled from Facebook


* Love expresses itself in four ways: * * Eros * - love with opposite sex * Storge * - love for siblings and nation * Phileo * - love for...