Life & Work

 Facing some challenges and feel like you may not make it through? Don’t give up! God has a plan and a way out!

Click the tabs above or links below to supercharge your faith with scriptures, confessions, prayers, teachings and much you can live the prosperous and successful life God has always planned for you.

Live successfully TODAY! 






Believe: God wants you to have a successful, prosperous life.

No matter what you’re facing or what dreams you have, you can stand for your breakthrough by feeding and strengthening your spirit with scriptures like these from God’s Word.


Speak: Let the redeemed say so!

Don’t let a negative word about your situation creep out of your mouth! Keep your words in line with God’s words by speaking God’s promises each and every day. 


Pray: A successful life is based on successful prayer.

Pray God’s promises concerning your success with these Bible-based prayers. When you speak God’s Word in prayer, you know you’re speaking His will—for you and your victory.


Learn: Your victory is as close as the Word!

Build a firm foundation on God’s Word concerning your success by enjoying this content from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. You can live in victory!


Apply: Live life abundantly.

Your success as a Christian lies in your willingness and ability to use your faith to apply God's Word in your life. When you do, your faith will make your life work! 

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* Love expresses itself in four ways: * * Eros * - love with opposite sex * Storge * - love for siblings and nation * Phileo * - love for...