Sunday, April 16, 2023


*Love expresses itself in four ways:*

*Eros* - love with opposite sex
*Storge* - love for siblings and nation
*Phileo* - love for friends
*Agape* - the God kind of love. It is a love based on quality decisions that has its root in God....enabling you to seek the highest good of others as God enables you.

The first three love types, can be contaminated by Satan or pressures of life.

_Those who take your private matter to social media deserve social distance...._

Hebrews 9:16 Testaments comes into force when the testator passes on....

The new testament contains the will of the father for us....that is the inheritance of the father for us ...this is why Jesus (God in him) had to go to the cross and died bringing about the enforcement of the will of God as contained in the "new testament"

Colossians 1:4-5
1 Peter 2:3-4

We are born again into a lovely hope.

We have an inheritance that cannot be corrupted....which is reserved in heaven for us.

An inheritance you are not aware of cannot reflect in your life.

Ephesians 1:16-19

Until the eyes of your understanding is enlightened, you cannot take hold of your inheritance in Christ.

There is riches and wealth in the inheritance of God for the saints....

Through this inheritance, we can use this to create and produce things that now produce physical wealth.

Ephesians 3:8

When eyes are opened, you walk into rishes that cannot be used up.

Romans 11:33

What God has for us is his wisdom and knowledge....

Colosisans 2:3

The knowledge of God's wisdom is the major content of Gods inheritance for us.

Hebrews 9:14-15

This inheritance is eternal in nature....

Mark 6:2

This knowledge of wisdom always leads to mighty works....creative products....massive companies, great influence, strong financial stands etc

1 Corinthians 2:9

God knows how to solve all problems but He is always looking for who is well positioned to receive solutions....

He is trying to send us wisdom, but we are busy looking for money, cars or other material possessions....

With the mind of Christ which is powered by the knowledge of wisdom will always put you above the class or the pack.

Things multiply around people who carry the knowledge of wisdom....

Proverbs 24:13-14

Knowing how to is what brings about desired results....

Everything in life works by the law of cause and effect...sowing and reaping....

Bitterness is the bait that robs people of their inheritance....

James 3:13-14

There is meekness in wisdom.....and the opposite of this wisdom is bitterness and strife....

When you are bitter about a things, it is because you lack the right wisdom about such matter...

Job 35:8-11

Rather than get bitter, go after wisdom and you will outsmart your intended oppressor.

Divine strategies is what puts you in command...

Wisdom is better than strength in war....

1 Samuel 18:5 - 13,14

Men conscious of their inheritance would always behave themself wisely ....

When you behave yourself wisely, you oppressors become afraid of you....

With the knowledge of wisdom, you don't allow for mood swings....

Ecclesiastes 10:4 AMP

Resignation often is not the answer to the indignation witnessed from an oppressive or aggressive employer ....all you need is the knowledge of wisdom....

Whatever is trying to push you to bitterness had already seen that better things lay ahead.

Colosisans 3:23-25 AMP

Whatever you do, either in ministry or enterprise, it must be done as unto the Lord.

Ensure that you do your work as unto God and not just to your employer....

This attitude is what guarantees the delivery of your inheritance....

Gods wisdom and knowledge works through you in the market place when you do whatever you do as unto the lord.

Strange ideas flow when you see God as your employer ....

Psalm 123:1-

You walk into your inheritance working for the one that deployed your employer.

Psalm 13:4-5

All you should seek for is the mercy of God in the place of your work... that is the market place...

The only way to access your inheritance in God is spending time in prayers ...

Prayers is the key to accessing your inheritance in this kingdom....

God heard the prayers of Ishmael and not the cryings of Hagar...

Genesis 21:17-19

When you come to an end of yourself....PRAY...
Pray that the eyes of your understanding might be opened up to access this inheritance....

That which is see not show me and that which I know not teach me.....

You don't need more lands, you need better eyes....eyes that see.

May the intrapreneurs in you come alive from hence forth in Jesus name.

May you come into a revival in your soul in Jesus name.

Jesus is lord.


* Love expresses itself in four ways: * * Eros * - love with opposite sex * Storge * - love for siblings and nation * Phileo * - love for...