Sunday, March 26, 2023

MIND SHIFT by Kay Daniels

The one thing that gives value to salvation is a well-cultivated and nurtured mind. The mind is the gateway to the supernatural and also to the soul. It is a medium that connects the Spirit of the Lord to the spirit of man. When you are born again, the spirit man comes alive, but there is a need for the renewal of the mind for there to be a transformation. For more wordspiration Join us at Palace of creativity weekly wordspiration seminar. You can also Join via Zoom

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Saturday, March 25, 2023


Leadership is not just what you do but who you are with influence. 
There are two dimensions of leadership. These are the LION and SHEEP leadership dimensions. 
Some leaders are 

LION LEADERS are high on Vision, Motivation, Discipline, Courage, Tireless work, Responsibility, Consistent and Continuous Drive etc

SHEEP LEADERS are high on Mission, People development and protection, Compassion, Empathy, welfare, etc

LION - LION Leaders build very great enterprises, but due to consistent driving of their people without little or no passion for their welfare, they unknowingly pull down their great enterprise. 

Such leaders never care about the enterprise longevity of their followers. They keep building, planting, raising, advancing, until they wear out their very loyal followers and well wishers. 

These kind of leaders pay little or no attention to rest, recreation, holiday packages, tax relief, medical rebates etc, for their workers or followers. 

They are specialist at recruiting new hands, but very low at retainership. They can be likened to slave masters. 

They are very good builders and at the same time destroyers. They soon eliminate what they have worked all their lives to elevate. 

They are extraordinary drivers that pay absolutely no attention to the welfare of their people. 

They are lions in public and lions in their private life. 

They are leaders who do not believe that followers have any impute as it relates to policy formulation and execution. They make all the laws and formulate all policies for others to follow. 

They do not engage in town hall meetings, they speak while others listen. 

You cannot question the authority of lion - lions, whatever they conclude with or without inputs is always final. 

They mostly see people as tools rather than humans. Anyone not aligning with their ideologies is considered a rebel. 

They often owe no one any explanations for their actions. 

LION - SHEEP Leaders are people that possess very strong will and passion for success and also very strong on people welfare. 

They high on projects but also very high on the sustainability and retainership of their very loyal hands. 

They are very strong at working strictly to time lines but at the same time would do anything and everything to inspire and motivate its people. 

They are often people oriented leaders. They run a very inclusive 

Sunday, March 19, 2023


All these discriminations because of politics are baseless. Elections will come and go, and all warring parties would return to real life. We all still have a nation with a battered economy to rebuild. Why utter injurious words based on ethnicity that only destroyed future better working relationships. Why we have what is known as the rainbow 🌈 is due to the harmony of individual colour spectrums. God save and bless Nigeria. God save Nigeria Initiative

Sunday, March 12, 2023


According to Dr Myles Munroe, the wealthiest spot on the planet is not the oil fields of Kuwait, Iraq or Saudi Arabia. Neither is it the gold and diamond mines of South Africa, the Uranium mines of the Soviet Union, or the silver mines of Africa. Though it may surprise you, the richest deposits on our planet lie just a few blocks from most homes. "They rest in your local cemetery or graveyard. Buried beneath the soil within the walls of those sacred grounds are dreams that never came to pass, songs that were never sung, books that were never written, paintings that never filled a canvas, ideas that were never shared, visions that never became reality, inventions that were never designed, plans that never went beyond the drawing board of the mind, and purposes that were never fulfilled. Our graveyards are filled with potential that remained potential. What a tragedy!" We shall be exploring ways to release our potential. Come and be blessed. You can join us live of Facebook, @palaceofcreativity group. 

Tuesday, March 7, 2023


Acts 1:8 (KJV)  But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

When the power of the Holy Ghost comes upon you and me, something changes. 

The power of the Holy Ghost is a game changer. 

The manifestation of the Holy Ghost is evident in what is changing in you. 

When the anointing of God comes upon you, something drastic changes in you. 

When the outpouring of the Holy Spirit comes on you, you move from something physical into a supernatural experience. 

It is the changes that happen in us that characterise a revival in us. 

Revival happen in certain areas of our lives but does not happen in other areas we are yet yielded. 

Here is one crucial thing that must happen in our lives for us to walk in true revival. 

Acts 2:2-3 (KJV)  And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.

What really is a revival? This is the result of the manifestation of the Spirit of God that creates changes in us. 

If God touched you or the fire of revival touched you, what changed in you? 

There has to be a revival of souls. 

This is one of the things that happens in a revival. 

You can have the move of the Spirit, but when there is revival of souls, then you are in a revival. 

If souls are not coming to Jesus, there is no revival in that congregation. 

Multiplication of souls is what characterise a revival. 

When you are in a revival, wherever you go, souls are been won to Christ. 

When you are in a revival, you would constantly crave to win souls into the kingdom. You would always win souls for Christ on a daily basis. 

Every unbeliever you meet would be an empty vessel that needs to be filled when you are in a revival. 

When you are in a revival, everyone that comes in contact with you must experience a change in their spirit man and their soul. 

In a revival, there is change in the imagination, memory, intellect, will and emotion of everyone we come in contact with. 

The church must be engulfed with the fire of the holy ghost for it to experience a true revival that draws souls into the kingdom. 

In a revival, you do not go out to envangelize because of what you can get, but because you cannot control the fire that is burning in your soul - the revival fire. 


* Love expresses itself in four ways: * * Eros * - love with opposite sex * Storge * - love for siblings and nation * Phileo * - love for...