Sunday, April 9, 2023


When Jesus died on the cross, we also died with him, and now that He is risen, alive and well, we also rose up with Him and are alive and well with him. 

Your material possessions do not really matter to God, it is what you do for your local assembly that counts for you in the kingdom. 

Matthew 28:1-10

Whatever might have been used to shut you in shall be lifted and the door opened up for you today. 

Angels cannot be God. Lucifer wanted to be part of the holy Trinity. This is why he made an insurrection in conjunction with one third of the angels - demons. 

There are three regions above the earth. and three regions beneath the earth. 

Adam was limited to control five regions or realms out of the six. Two above and three beneath him. 

God had limited Adam bcos He knew he would fall. If Adam had control over all six realms, Satan would have taken over heaven from where he was expelled. 

Adam came as the first man while Jesus came as the second and last Adam. 

The son is the one in charge of creation. 

God had to come in the form of a man to deal with the devil. 

God came as 100% man and 100% God. The Spirit had to operate at the same time with the man nature. 

He had to save the earth as a man but manifest the supernatural as a God. 

Jesus had to be crucified on the cross, because he had to be lifted off the ground loaded with the sins of all mankind. He came down from the cross a dead man and the sins no longer could be transmitted to the earth. 

Ephesians 2:4-

God dealt with the sin questions before we were even born. ...

Our salvation is actually from our past ....
For there to be a resurrection, there had to be a past, now and future. ....

On the day of resurrection, as Jesus rose from the dead, we all rose up with him....

God already saw you before you were born, and he saved you ....

Jesus had his will separated from that of the father....."Not my will, but your will be done".....

There is the law of gravity, law of motion and the law of lift.... These are the laws that govern flight. When these three laws work together, you can have a safe flight. 

Romans 8:1-3

The law of motion is superior to the law of gravity, while the law of flight is superior to the law of motion and gravity. 

Jesus took the sin of Adam and the antichrist upon himself to be superior to them....

Jesus stay in the grave for three days, the first day for Adam, second day for himself and the third day for the anitchrist...

Ephesians 1:4-11

The resurrection of Jesus settles all the sin issue once and for all. 

Everyone that would ever been born all got saved the instance Jesus rose up from the dead. 

The devil is so insignificant, there is no need to worry about them....

Before creation, God soughted all that could ever go wrong in the future ..

Ephesians 4:3-10

Everything that God does, there is a reason.

People cannot change your destiny....

Before Jesus went up, He had to go down first....

Jesus had to be identified with the six regions....

Since Jesus had taken over the six regions, therefore Satan through the antichrist has no place to occupy ...

All authority including heaven given unto him....

Resurrection cannot be duplicated or replicated because it was God at his best....

Ephesians 1:19 - the exceeding power of God Almighty 

It was the law of sin and death and not Satan that tried to stop Jesus....

The law was trying to exercise itself....

Tomb stones are opened once for the coffin and closed forever but not in the case of Jesus, the power of God came through to reopen it....

The earth shook, when the angel descended and rolled away the stone....Jesus came out along with all that were dead in Christ....all the spirits of just men made perfect arose and walk the face of the earth....

Revelation 1:12-18
We have the first God - man in heaven. He has finished all things. 

Worthy worthy is the lamb of God

Holy Holy is the lamb of God

Worthy worthy worthy is the lamb of God 

Behold the Messiah

The glorious redeemer coming down...

Courtesy: Pastor Chris Okotie
Household of God Church 
Easter Sunday 

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